Helpful Things
Be patient
Do not judge
Do not avoid talking about specific topics, as this will
only be noticed by the sufferer
Be supportive
Acceptance to anything they tell you, but also, to where
they are at
Look after yourself too - as hard as it may seem, in order to
help someone through this rough time you do need to take care of you. If you are not taking care of yourself it is hard
to be supportive to someone else.
Educate yourself on eating distress - even though you may never
know what it is like to go through, if you educate yourself you will be better prepared to understand what the other person
is going through
Try to understand that whatever behaviours the sufferer uses
it does have a payoff - if there was no payoff, he/she would not be engaging in the behaviours
Let the sufferer know that you are there for them if needed,
but at the same time you must take care of yourself
Unhelpful Things
- Comments on behaviours - the more you focus in on the behaviours
the worse they tend to become
- Comments on appearance (this can aggrevate the behaviours, as
ironic as that may sound - what you say, and the sufferer hears tend to be at opposite ends of pole)
- Do not talk about diets, calories, celebrities figures etc.
- If he/she slips do not get angry - a slip is only a slip, and
does not necessarily equate a relapse
- Do not measure your worth against the sufferers progress - just
because the sufferer is still engaging in the behaviours does NOT make you a bad friend/parent
- Comments on other peoples appearance
- Labelling - the terms are just words, and can have the effect
that you seem to be judging - be careful with how you use words