- When your focus is on food and/or body image all the time you do not have the time or
the energy to focus on anything else
- It helps to numb your feelings
- It is a very effective way of not dealing
- It helps you to not let other things get you down (at least for now)
- It is easier to stay in the behaviours than fight them
- It is difficult to see that there is any other way, when this is the "norm" for you
- It is hard to believe that this is not about food, because when you focus in on the food
you sincerely believe that it could not possibly be about anything else
- When engaging in the behaviours you feel that you are in control, and when you feel like
this nothing else seems to matter
- I am a nicer person when engaging in the behaviours
- When engaging in the behaviours I can cope better with life, and the muck it throws my
- I tend to accept things more readily when in the throes of the ed
- Less analysing of self when the ed is in full swing
- I tend to be more assertive when engaging in the behaviours, than when I am not (at least,
on the exterior)
- I accept myself more readily when engaging in the behaviours
- The main one for me, is the doubt that I have of my ability to recover